Tuka Europa


The plot

On the Rodopi mountains, at the Southern border of Bulgaria, the small Pomak (Bulgarian Muslim) village of Ribnovo still suffers from misery and marginalization.

Persecuted during the communist regime, now accused to be the mean of extremist proliferation in Europe, its inhabitants reclaim their ancient religious identity and the right to profess a fundamentalist approach to religion, as shown by the traditional clothes worn by women.

Thus, the imam Mustafà rebuilds the mosque the communist party had previously destroyed, overcoming the opposition of the Orthodox church, which reclaims Bulgaria to be a Christian state.

Beside, Jamal, 22 years old, and Fatmé, 16, get married and take care of their new family welfare.

Through a period of time from 2006 to 2010, on the background of Bulgaria’s entrance in the EU, “Tuka, Europe” narrates their lives and those of the inhabitants of Rodopi, questioning the sense of their Muslim identity in the wider boarder of the new European Union.

The project


directed by

Giona Messina


Ivan Aiansky, Mustafà Mycjada, Boyan Saraev, Jamal Jamal Uan, Fatmé Uan, Ali Aginsky

original music:  Daniele Del Monaco and Laboratorio Creativo Permanente with the support of Michele Baronio for Time by time

sound engineer: Boris Ivanov

screenplay: Giulia Zappa

with: Nia Philipova, Teodora Teodorova

translations and subtitles: Nia Philipova, Marika Fantoni, Vera Pavlova, Giulia Zappa

supervision to translations: Vera Pavlova

post-production: oR production

thanks to

Stoyan Raichevsky, Mila Santova, Galina Lozanova, Bougidar Alexi, Kemal Aiup Adin, Georgi Gospodinov

thanks to

Comune di Ribnovo,Istituto del Folklore – Università di Sofia, Ambasciata Italiana in Bulgaria, Istituto di Cultura Italiana Sofia, Osservatorio sui Balcani, Centro per il Turismo – Comune di Borino


Tania Mangalakova, Mirko Tattarini, Elisabet Dalali, Kemal Dalali, Robert Dalali,  Maria Teresa Tringali, Vanni Galdolfo, Giulia di Cristo, Mariano Pavanello, Umberto Rinaldi, Stefano Bianchi, Veneta Harkova, Boris Loukanoff,  Elitza, Sevda, e tutta la famiglia, Julia Philipova, Stefan Philipov, Marco Brigido, Gianfranco Pierantoni, Zechir Veliev, Nick Alex, Scott Mc Cartney, Djemal, Hasan, Ledo Tattarini, Jordan Abadjiev, Gabriela Ramirez, Tamara Bartolini, Michele Baronio, Anna Maria Ventura, Vittorio Messina, Daniele Ongaro.